The Commercial Aspects of the
Italian Language


Part I - Goals
Part II - Statement of the Problem
Part III - Procedure for the Collection of Data
Part IV - Guidelines

Capitolo Primo - Breve Storia dell'Italia
Capitolo Secondo - Economia Aziendale
Capitolo Terzo - Il Sistema Bancario Italiano
Capitolo Quarto - Il Sistema Fiscale Italiano
Capitolo Quinto - L'Italia come Entita' Industriale e Commerciale
Capitolo Sesto - L'Italia, Il Mercato Internazionale e Le Fonti del Reddito
Capitolo Settimo - L'Italia, La Pubblica Amministrazione
Capitolo Ottavo - La Dogana
Capitolo Nono - La R.A.I. Corporation
Capitolo Decimo - La Borsa

Key to Practice exercises

I. RAI Corporation, Bilancio Esercizio 1987
II. Monte Dei Paschi di Siena
III. Tables
IV. Vocabulary
V. Abbreviations
VI. Bibliography


The main objective of this dissertation is to familiarize college seniors and graduate students of Italian with the most common terminology used in the field of commerce. Some of these students, upon graduation from college, may seek employment in the business world, and teh mastery of the material contained in this dissertation will be of invaluable help in coping with the daily operations of any company engaged in commercial dealings with Italy. It also will be very helpful for any student who is planning to seek employment with an Italian corporation with branches in the United States.

The dissertation deals with the following topics:
a. A brief historical and political background of Italy.
b. The structure and rules that govern public and private corporations.
c. The role of Italy as a commercial and industrial entity at the national
and international level.
d. The role of radio and television under the supervision of the
e. The collection of and the different types of taxes on the private
citizen and corporations.
f. The operation of the Italian stock market and different rules and
regulations that govern it.

Each chapter provides a guide to the instructor as well as to the student, suggested activities for the classroom as well as work done beyond the classroom. The selected bibliography will be of great help to both student and instructor.

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